Thursday 11 December 2008

Coca Froes David Paintings , Exhibited in the Fabrica Braço de Prata , Lisbon

The Fabrica Braço de Prata in Lisbon , has the pleasure to envite to the exhibition of the paintings by Coca Froes David , my Aunt.

The opening will be on the 12 December 2008 at 18.30 in the H.Arendt room

" We enter in these notebooks as in an interior garden or a house where the true beauty took refuge. That one that Kandinsky calls interior beauty. "
" In these notebooks, we will never know if the words illustrate the images or if it is the opposite : Perhaps they are simply non-separable and they gain life together "
" This written-painting design-itself by poetry. A conscious poetry of his knowledge and of the its expertise, since Coca quotes the poetic arts of Jorge Luis Borges and of the poetess Sophia of Mello Breyner Andresen, in dialogue with the its Muse. Here, the poetic art of the painter Coca is a phrase, left in the paper, a way of say this directions (of "do") painting: "My painting are my poetic creation".
" The painter Coca listens to women voices while painting, with their's unusual fate: Emily Brontë, Emily Dickinson, Virginia Woolf, Florbela Espanca , and also Frida Kahlo that wanted to make of her painting a biography. And to the questioning of those wives about the poetry she joint her own voice: "What is the painting? I don't Know. Im still searching".
" But isn't painting already found when Coca cites the words of Hokusai, inserted in the notebook as a lesson, that speak of color as if of people it dealt with, to the side of images who free the colors, without text, and also its variations? in the euphoria of the blue one, of the red, the yellow, the green, exuberant, and also, as indispensable counterpoint: the chestnut color, the violet, disfóricos, the black, melancholic… "

This is an excerpt from a beautiful text by Christine Zurbach

Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1 (in front of the post-office of Poço do Bispo) - Lisboa

Wednesday - Thursday : 18H - 02H00
Friday and Saturday : 18H00 - 04H00
Sunday : 15H00 - 24H00
Closed on Monday and Tuesday

Supported by :

Câmara Municipal de Évora

Grupo Pro-Évora

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